Elena Bennett

Associate Professor
Department of Natural Resource Sciences
McGill University

Elena Bennett

Associate Professor
Department of Natural Resource Sciences
McGill University


Dr. Elena Bennett is an Associate Professor at McGill University. She received her BA in Biology and Environmental Studies from Oberlin College (1994), earned her MSc in Land Resources (1999, U. Wisconsin) and her PhD in Limnology (2002, U. Wisconsin). She is co-chair of the Future Earth global research project ecoSERVICES. She is also CLA for the America’s assessment of IPBES and LA for the global assessment. Dr. Bennett was a Leopold Leadership Fellow (2012), and a Trottier Public Policy Professor (2013-2014). At McGill, she has won awards for undergraduate teaching, graduate supervision, contributions to campus sustainability, and contributions to local community sustainability. In 2012, she was selected to be one of two representatives of the Royal Society of Canada at the Summer Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum held in Tianjin, China. In 2015, she was named one of six NSERC Steacie Fellows.


All session by Elena Bennett

Keynote Presentations
Theme 1 / Biophysical Limits

09:00 - 10:00
John Molson School of Business, Room: 9ABC